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'The ability to perceive or think differently is more important than the knowledge gained.'
(David Bohm)

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Friday 19 February 2010

Destiny vs Free Will.

'There is no purpose to life, but it’s not an accident.' — Richard Dawkins.

In Thornton Wilder’s THE BRIDGE OF SAN LUIS REY the characters were doomed to meet their deaths in the collapse of the bridge as a logical outcome of their lives and personalities. "Is there a direction and meaning in lives beyond the individual's own will?" was the question posed by the author, which is basically fate vs. free will. As a matter of fact, every time a number of people die or get injured in an accident a mind-boggling question raises its ugly head — did some superior force make it happen accidentally on purpose?

Some people believe there’s a cause for everything; others say it’s just a blind chance. I’m inclined to think that chance is an unperceived necessity.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Is Time Travel Possible?
Science or Science Fiction?

'Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.' A. Einstein

For most people time travel is a common plot device in science fiction, although I’ve always considered travel to the past a sort of Deus Ex Machina. Conversely, the possibility of time travel to the future is arguably deducible from special and general relativities based on the phenomenon of gravitational and time dilation linked to the speed of the observer.